Progress on the WIP: #SciFi in the Making.

At the desk_00001
Looking serious at the keyboard. Don’t know why I look so stern here: I took the picture myself!

The content edit is complete! I’ve now arrived at 71,057 words, an increase of 21,497 since last Wednesday. This means the first in-depth edit is finished. I’m resting from the process tomorrow, perhaps taking a long walk in the Forest with my wife and my camera.

Then it’ll be the start of the more detailed edit. The intention is to work through each chapter in turn (38) and ensure consistency, add some metaphor, emotion and pictorial language in descriptions, where appropriate, push the chapter through the Prowritingaid grammar check software, print the chapter off and hand it to my beta reader for her thorough check.

This is necessarily a slow process, making sure the words are right all the way through the text, and improving the quality of language, whilst also ensuring accuracy where that’s an essential to the story’s credibility.

Apart from the book, I’m still in the process of sorting my pictures after the iMac fiasco, completing the new website for the local charity (this morning I spent a delightful hour with a local historian gathering information and pictures to allow me to produce a brief history of the hall and recreation ground in trust to the charity), and looking to start some work on short stories and, possibly, some poetry. So, things are moving and the creative juices flowing. Lots of things to look forward to this year.

6 thoughts on “Progress on the WIP: #SciFi in the Making.

  1. Re image: If you’re anything like me you’ll have been frowning at the camera thinking… ‘well, are you going to fire or what?’ And then it did. LOL!

    Well done with the editing.

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  2. RavenclawPride

    Congratulations Stuart! I’m set to begin a novel this year. I’m excited for the journey ahead. Best of luck to your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good luck with the novel. There’ll be times when you hit barriers, times when the story goes off track. Push on until the story is finished and then set about the editing. So many writers get stuck on making that first sentence perfect that they never finish the story. Get the story on the page first; you can tweak it as much as you like afterwards. And, most of all, enjoy the process of creation: if you enjoy it, so will your readers.

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