#Words and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Feb/22

How many years have you passed on this steep slope
what stories might you tell of that long time
how fierce the storm that brought you down
to rest a broken wonder across our path?

Some of my pictures appear in the Gallery.
But, if you want images to decorate your home or office, use in calendars, greetings cards, jigsaws, advertising, or anything else you fancy in print or online, you will find more here.

3 thoughts on “#Words and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Feb/22

  1. Pingback: #Words and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Feb/22 | In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life

    1. It’s always sad to see a tree fall, but this one is a real giant. Unfortunately, its location on a particularly steep path makes it difficult to photograph in its entirety, Lynette. Thanks for you comment.

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