Ten Day #Travel Challenge: Day 7.

My friend, Joni Caggiano, poet, writer and photographer, nominated me to participate in the “Ten Day Travel Challenge.” The ‘rules’ are that participants post a photograph each day for ten days without disclosing the location, and nominate 10 others to engage with this challenge if they so desire. I’m a rule breaker by nature and also enjoy indulging my curiosity, so I’m bending those ‘rules’. I’ll ‘invite’ a new participant each day, but not inform them personally. I’m interested to see how far the news will travel without deliberate action from me. So, one unidentified picture, one invitee, ten days.
Also, I’ll post the normal ‘Today’s Pictures’, from the Forest of Dean, as part of this series over the next ten days.

A steep track runs up one side of the beaver enclosure.
January mists in the forest.

Today, I invite my online friend, Mimi, whose culinary travel work can be found here.

8 thoughts on “Ten Day #Travel Challenge: Day 7.

  1. Just to let you all know, this one is a shot of the Greek town of Pefkos on the island of Rhodes, taken from a cave in the hillside overlooking the beach.


    1. Thanks, Noelle. Hopefully, one day we’ll catch a glance. On yesterday’s walk we were off track and a large Red Deer stag suddenly appeared and ran across the open forest about 50 yards from us. It was moving too fast for me to picture, but a wonderful sight.
      The sea is definitely the Mediterranean. If no one gueses the locations of the these ten pictures in the series, I’ll reveal them all at the end.

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  2. Pingback: Ten Day #Travel Challenge: Day 7. | In the Net! – Stories of Life and Narcissistic Survival

  3. I hope your beavers continue to do well. They are such lovely animals (here, they used to often be seen as destructive, but thankfully, attitudes have mostly changed), very family oriented and incredibly intelligent.

    Beautiful photos, Stuart.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They are a small family, Lynette. Just a male, female and one baby (can’t recall what the right term is for a baby beaver!). But they are doing the job they were brought in to do; controlling the brook that flows through their enclosure and helping to prevent it flooding the village.
      Thanks for your comment on my photos.

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        1. Thanks, Lynette. Kits; of course. We’ve yet to see them, but they’re shy and generally appear only around dawn and dusk, which makes it quite difficult to spot them, as we’d have to travel some of the way in the pitch dark! One day, maybe…

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