Kos in a Time of Covid 19: 9th Day.

View from the road leading to the Asklepion

Sunday was our 32nd wedding anniversary, so, naturally, we set out on a long trek up a hill. We’d decided early in the stay that we’d visit the Asklepion. It’s the most popular destination for tourists on the island, so we expected it would be quite busy.

Passed this amusing display along the road through Platani.

Because we enjoy walking, we set off from the hotel on foot and followed the signs to this ancient site. The road, like most rural routes in Greece, doesn’t cater well for pedestrians, but there are few countries in this day of the car that consider the needs of those on foot, so no surprise there. It took us through Kos town and up the slope through the village of Platani, where the direction signs helpfully ran out. Fortunately, I’d more or less memorised the route as seen on the tiny screen of my mobile phone, so we managed not to get lost, something we’ve done quite frequently on our walks.

Tree-lined approach to the Asklepion

Very few cars passed us on our slow climb, and the sun continued to shine. Once at the site, we approached the entrance expecting to pay our €6 entry fee. But we were told this had been waived. So, another free visit.

The well-maintained entrance to the site.

The site is exceptionally well-maintained and carries numerous information boards. It stands on three levels and we decided to ascend to the highest first and then track back and forth across each level until we had seen the entire place.

Other visitors appeared from time to time but it was never crowded, so we had plenty of time to absorb the atmosphere and study the various remains in peace. The whole site is surrounded by woodlands, which are unfortunately out of bounds. Mind you, that was probably a good idea, as we have a tendency to explore and go off piste, which is why we have often been lost (well, I say lost, but we generally know where we are in relation to our start).

The remains are extensive and some have been restored either in part or completely. It’s a fascinating site, with a good deal of detail provided about its formation and the work done to excavate and restore. As the site where Hippocrates spent much of his time, healing and training others to do the same, it’s something of an irony that it was the only place on the island where I was attacked by a monster of a winged beastie that injected me with unwanted venom requiring me to visit a pharmacy the following day to get something to reduce the swelling in my knee, ankle and foot!

It was, nevertheless a very worthwhile tour, which we ended with a cool drink in the shade outside the small shop with its tables set up to socially distance visitors refreshing after their exertions.

Our walk back to town sent us straight back to the hotel for food at the bar there. After a walk of 13.7 kilometres (about 8 and half miles) we felt we deserved some proper refreshment. A quick swim cooled us before we made ready for our evening celebration, already booked at Old River.

There, Joseph made a point of telling everyone in the place it was our wedding anniversary, asking all the couples how long they’d been together, and announcing us as king and queen of the couples for our longevity! He also presented us with a lovely cake, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Unable to sensibly take it away with us, we asked him to let the staff share what was left.

A lovely day all told, and, sadly, our penultimate.

14 thoughts on “Kos in a Time of Covid 19: 9th Day.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. We had a great day! And one of the reasons I’m doing these posts is to allow others to live vicariously through them, so it’s good news that you enjoyed it.

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  1. Oh Stuart what a beautiful post. Happy Anniversary to you and Valerie. I am so glad you got to have such a lovely time. You two don’t fool around when you go for a walk. That was a long one and the ruins were amazingly preserved. I enjoyed all the lovely photographs. Such a dear picture of the handsome anniversary couple too. I am curious what bit you my friend. Are you completely fine now?

    Sending you both our love from NC. Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us. ❤️💕🦋Joni

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Joni. It was a lovely walk in the warm Greek sunshine, so we hardly noticed the distance.
      No idea what bit me, but it had a good go; left a row of half a dozen red weals that slowly swelled up and affected the whole of my leg! Of course, I only became aware of it after it had had a good meal and I put my hand down, felt this quite hard little beastie and crushed it before dropping it to the ground. I seem to be okay now, although it did trigger a prolonged bout of angioedema, which affected my hands at first and then spread to my arms. Unpleasant, but not life-threatening! Fine again now.

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      1. Well that is a blessing. I am glad they had something at the pharmacy to treat it with as it sounds like it could have gotten touchy. Really what a lovely couple you two are and so nice to see people loving each other for decades. We are over two ourselves. Love ❤️ Joni

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        1. Thanks, Joni. It’s good to know you and Scott are also a happy couple. I suspect, like us, you don’t compete with each other; that seems to be the most effective way to maintain a great relationship.

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          1. Yes, you are right about that. You have to be a team. I hope we will know something soon about the election. Until it is official I just don’t trust Trump. Did you ever think thinks would be this crazy Stuart. I never thought I would live to see such crazy times. We will be staying even more close to home now. The COVID cases are climbing daily in the US. We are very careful. You two take care of each other. Sending love. ❤️Joni

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Unfortunately, I did think it would get bad, Joni. Trump is a sociopath and narcissist, thriving on attention. If people would just ignore the idiot, he’d become seriously depressed.
              Both UK and USA suffer from the same political problem: a total lack of viable opposition. Our Labour party is in constant disarray, always involved in internal fighting, and your Democratic party has let the people down so often they’ve become an untrusted alternative. Such a vacuum always allows in the dicatatorial types, as happened with Hitler in Germany. It’s a cliche, but nevertheless true that it only takes good people to remain silent to allow the evil ones to get away with their crimes.
              Our Covid rates are also climbing, but we remain the lowest in the country. So we’re staying away from the towns and engaging with only those people we must. You and Scott keep safe and stay well, Joni.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. You are so right my friend. I worry that we could have some sort of civil war here if Trump refuses to go peacefully. I would never get involved with anything violent myself we want to see guns outlawed all together with the exception of the police. I am glad you two are being careful. Be safe and you two take care of each other. Love ❤️ Joni

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