Today’s Pictures: 26 Mar 21

‘Most of the people walking after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with short steps.’    
Hans Christian Andersen

For now, I’m continuing daily shots from our walks in the local forest. Another photograph from my collection will give a wider view of the world and some of its wonders.
Sharing on social media means more people stuck indoors due to Covid-19 can enjoy the natural beauty of our world, so please do that if you’re able. Thank you. We might even restore a bit of love and respect for nature and help slow the damage we inflict on our world.

All photographs on this site are my own, unless otherwise credited. More of my pictures are here. And a small sample of my work sits under the ‘Gallery’ tab at the top of this page.

18 thoughts on “Today’s Pictures: 26 Mar 21

  1. IO love the4 birch trees. They remind me of northern Maine, where the other hardwoods give way to fir trees and the white birches look spectacular against the green!

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    1. Yes, they provide a lovely contrast, don’t they, Noelle? We have three varieties of birch here: scrub birch, rough birch, and silver birch. They aren’t long-lived teees, but lovely while they are growing.

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  2. You are so much more ambitious than me. I would love to go for a walk in the woods and on the beach, but, alas we are several hours from the ocean beach, and no too many easy walking trails here. I see too many people being rescued, sometimes because of accidents and sometimes not bringing enough water. Loved the beach and tree pictures today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a long way from the coast, Brenda. And a lack of accessible walking trails is a major issue for anyone who loves walking. We are so fortunate here. I’ll keep posting these for the time being, so you can enjoy vicariously, but I will be changing these posts in the not-too-distant… more info on that in the posts, later.


  3. Pingback: Today’s Pictures: 26 Mar 21 | In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life

    1. Thank you, Joni. I love the birches, too. We have three varieties in the forest: scrub birch, rough birch and silver birch. They’re all in flower now, though you can only tell that by the amount of pollen there is to make the hayfever sufferers (including me!) sneeze!

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      1. I know I agree I totally love the birch trees they’re so beautiful. Pine trees here leave a thick yellow dust on everything for about two months and Scott is allergic to that and sneezes and sneezes so sounds similar. I am grateful I don’t have that. Take care both of you and happy editing. Love Joni

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            1. That’s two months of suffering Scott can do well without. Does he use antihistamines? I have them on prescription, along with a nasal spray for chronic sinusitis.
              Valerie is quite sensitive to a number of things, but she’s developed ways of managing it. As she says, it’s a nuisance but it’s not fatal!

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              1. He is stubborn and won’t take rx allergy pills but I do. He also has chronic sinusitis. I am also sensitive but am like Valerie I am grateful the stuff will not kill me. Haha we sound like a couple of old buddies talking about our health issues. Be sure to let us know when you are done with your book we will have a toast for you here. Love to you both. Joni

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Hate to do this, Joni, but is Scott aware that ignoring sinusitis and allergies can be a route to autoimmune conditions? I should know; I have two and have suffered another, long term.
                  Pre-breakfast here, but I’ll be (hopefully) completing the editing today, as long as other stuff doesn’t get in the way, of course!


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