Today’s Pictures: 18 Feb 21

Snow en route.

‘Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise.’     Carrie Latet

With the daily shot from my local forest, I’m including a shot of the wider world, not always entirely ‘natural’, to provide a wider view of the world and its wonders.

Steps to the school

Share on social media so we’ll reach more people stuck indoors due to Covid-19. Who knows, between us, we might also restore some love and respect for nature and slow down the damage we inflict on our world? Thank you.

Near Burnsall in the Yorkshire Dales.

Enjoy my pictures? You’ll find more in my professional gallery, here. A small selection is also available via the ‘Gallery’ tab at the top of this page.

20 thoughts on “Today’s Pictures: 18 Feb 21

  1. Pingback: Today’s Pictures: 18 Feb 21 | In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life

    1. Thanks, Beth. The river flows under an ancient stone bridge in the village of Burnsall, not very far from where my brother and his wife live. A place we visit as often as opportunity allows. The foxgloves are unusual, as they’re generally only the purple variety when wild, so I wonder if these have been planted deliberately by a resident. No matter, they certainly enhance the scene.

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  2. You know I am not a photographer, but I do appreciate the beauty that you capture in your pictures. Love to look at the snow-laden trees and the fresh white blanket on the ground. The stream with the flowers, Lupine I think, decorating the edge.

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    1. I’ve been taking photographs since my stepfather gifted me my first camera as a reward for a good school report when I was 11 years old, Brenda. My mum was a gifted painter who never had the chance to reach her potential, and my step dad was a technically very good photographer with no real eye for a picture (but he was very good at weddings, his second job). I’ve always loved making images and it’s lovely when people appreciate my efforts, so thank you.
      The flowers by the river are some form of foxglove, I think. They do look a bit like lupins, though.

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    1. Thanks, Irene. This is the path we take immediately we leave the steep public footpath climb from the road on which our house sits. It was morning, and the sun was rising behind the trees.

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