666, An Anthology of Horror Shorts, Reviewed.

A scary collection of thirty-two horror shorts, every one of them exactly 666 words long!

These Fantables were mostly the result of a contest run by the publisher, Fantastic books Publishing, but include some tales by selected invited professional writers. The stories run the whole spectrum of horror writing from the traditional through to the contemporary weird. So, there’s something for all tastes here.

There’s a long tradition of scary stories for Halloween and this book is officially launched on the night of frights. You’ll find mystery, crime, tension, tales with a twist, vampires, black humour and threat in these 131 pages of well-written, frightening short stories.

I enjoyed the whole book, but among my favourites were Headhunted, by John Hoggard, A Prologue, by Rose Thurlbeck, Loft Conversion, by Denise Hayes, The Perfect Family, by Kester Park, Entombed by Ulla and Marko Susimetsa, The Number of the Beast, by Celia Coyne, His Spectre, by John Scotcher, Assisted, by Richard Dixon, The Statue in the Playground, by Darren Grey, Parents’ Evening, by CM Angus, Opening Doors, by Penny Grubb, Music at Full Moon, by Melodie Trudeaux, She Sings Only at Night, by Nathan Robinson, and Number Thirteen, by Linda Acaster.

A missed title is no reflection on the quality of the tale or author, merely a reflection of my personal tastes, since all the stories are worthy of inclusion in this great collection.

I should confess, for the sake of honesty, that the collection also includes my own story, Ouija.

As the anthology includes my own story, I can’t review on Amazon. However, I can place the review here and on Goodreads. If you’d like a copy of the book in either paperback or digital form, please click on the links. And, make sure you don’t read it before bed, or when alone!

And, should you wish to chat with the authors, or simple join in the live launch tonight at 19:06 (66 minutes past 6 o’clock, GMT), please follow this link.

Added after Fantasticon: The paperbacks were so popular they ran out at the convention, but there’ll be more stock added as new orders come in.