#ScenicSaturday 22nd June 2024: 

This continuing series of posts depicts our beautiful world, encouraging viewers to share them and help save our unique home from human carelessness and indifference.Today’s photo displays a place in the Forest of Dean where a trail splits into two. The one forging ahead passes a parking area for visitors before it heads round and …

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Free Short Story: Not The Type to Murder His Wife

This short story was published in a literary magazine that is no longer published. VIEWPOINT was a small press mag and published this story on 31st March 2003, having placed it 4th in their contest. Not The Type to Murder His Wife Charles, murder his wife for another woman? Preposterous. Makes you wonder what they …

Continue reading Free Short Story: Not The Type to Murder His Wife

#ScenicSaturday 15th June 2024: 

This continuing series of posts depicts our beautiful world, encouraging viewers to share them and help save our unique home from human carelessness and indifference.Today’s photo shows a small stream running through the trees and hills of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, an area of great beauty that is protected from development. It is farmed …

Continue reading #ScenicSaturday 15th June 2024: 

Oddities Observed On Outings #14

In this continuing series I’m looking at things seen when out walking. Some of these objects will be familiar to certain readers, but many are likely to be unfamiliar to most. I’m presenting those that caught my attention perhaps by their unusual placing, incongruity, idiosyncrasy, or simply their oddness.This one shows a life-size figure of …

Continue reading Oddities Observed On Outings #14

At Home, by Bill Bryson: #BookReview.

At a little over 600 pages of fascinating text, this book by Bill Bryson kept me turning those leaves. That there are, in addition, 32 pages of bibliography, suggests the author has done his research, and done it thoroughly.The Book is subtitled ‘A Short History of Private Life’ and takes the form of an inspiring …

Continue reading At Home, by Bill Bryson: #BookReview.

#ScenicSaturday 8th June 2024:

This continuing series of posts depicts our beautiful world, encouraging viewers to share them and help save our unique home from human carelessness and indifference.Today’s photo shows how successful nature is at reclaiming land when given the opportunity. The trees here have grown since the forest area ceased to be mined for coal, quarried for …

Continue reading #ScenicSaturday 8th June 2024:

A Free Short Story: Bri.

This short story was published as a prize winner (placed 2nd) in a UK writing magazine, Writers Forum, that’s since ceased publication. It’s from October 2002. Some readers may find this story disturbing. I hope so, it was written to disturb. BRI Bri laughed as the cartoon mouse hacked the cat into a thousand bloody slices. …

Continue reading A Free Short Story: Bri.

Oddities Observed On Outings #13

In this continuing series I’m looking at things seen when out walking. Some of these objects will be familiar to certain readers, but many are likely to be unfamiliar to most. I’m presenting those that caught my attention perhaps by their unusual placing, incongruity, idiosyncrasy, or simply their oddness.This one shows… On this occasion, I’m …

Continue reading Oddities Observed On Outings #13

#ScenicSaturday 1st June 2024:

This continuing series of posts depicts our beautiful world, encouraging viewers to share them and help save our unique home from human carelessness and indifference.Today’s photo shows the full moon rising over the sea at Lyme Regis just after dusk. I loved the calm depth and deep blue of the quiet sea and the afterglow …

Continue reading #ScenicSaturday 1st June 2024: