Oddities Observed On Outings #11

This continuing series looks at things observed when out walking. Some of these objects will be familiar to some readers, but many are likely to be unfamiliar to most. I’m presenting those that catch one’s attention perhaps by their unusual placing, incongruity, idiosyncrasy, or simply their oddness.This one looks at something entirely natural that manages …

Continue reading Oddities Observed On Outings #11

#ScenicSaturday18th May 2024:

This continuing series of posts depicts our beautiful world, encouraging viewers to share them and help save our unique home from human carelessness and indifference.Today’s photo shows the sea and sky just after sundown on the Greek island of Skiathos. I found a sense of tranquillity and peace here at that moment. No one else …

Continue reading #ScenicSaturday18th May 2024: