#writingprompt and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Oct/21

Pictures to entertain, interest, and inspire you to create with words or images. Poem, story, play, novel, memory, essay, painting, drawing, sculpture, or another photograph? Up to you.  You can, of course, just enjoy the pictures. My image is untitled to avoid directing you. But the title, not always helpful, is here.

If you use the prompt, you can post a link to your work, or the work itself, in the comments section, if you want. Please credit me by linking to this post, to allow more people to see both our creations.

Have fun and get those creative juices flowing.

Sometimes, I’ll include my writing inspired by the image.

For a small selection of my pictures, see my Gallery, or for a fuller appreciation, click here.        

15 thoughts on “#writingprompt and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Oct/21

  1. Pingback: #writingprompt and #PictureOfTheDay: 17/Oct/21 | In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life

    1. Thanks, Lynette. I’m sorry to confess I can’t recall where I took this picture, and have no idea what the plant is. I was attracted by the contrasting colours.

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