Creative #Writing #Contests Table Updated

zWaves in Winter

This is your monthly reminder that the writing contest table has been updated. It lives under the ‘Resources’ tab. My apologies for the lateness of this reminder. Please see the paragraph below for an explanation.

I’ve changed the source for this document from GoogleDrive, which didn’t allow the links always to be active, to OneDrive, which appears to be better at this aspect. Old inactive links will remain that way and require you to copy and paste them into your browser. But new links should now all be active. I hope!

I generally update the table frequently, in fact whenever I come across new contest details. However, February has been somewhat difficult, as you’ll know if you’ve read the posts regarding the trouble with my iMac. The latest, rather a long one containing advice, you’ll find here, if you’re interested. I also subscribe to sources for information to pass on to you here.

Submit your entries in plenty of time. There are some spectacular prizes to be had. Some contests are FREE to enter, but please don’t be sucked in by the false arguments about ‘paid for’ contests: most are run by voluntary organisations with little money. Entry fees go toward providing the prizes and sometimes to pay judges, who are usually professional people in the writing world whose time is precious.

Think of the kudos if you win a prize!

The table updates each time I save it, so whenever you visit the page, it’s as current as it is on my PC.

You can access it by clicking here.

Have fun and get some cash from your writing.

If you’d like a monthly reminder in your email, please add your details on the small form at top of the right hand column on the ‘Blog’ page. Neither I, nor WordPress, will spam you, but you’ll receive an informative email each time I post.

And the picture above? I’m also a photographer and belong to an organisation called Picfair that actually believes photographers should be paid for their work (photography’s an expensive occupation!). You can find the original of the picture above here. And my gallery of work on the site, here.