12 thoughts on “#PictureOfTheDay: 19/Dec/21

    1. In this particular spot, Joni, most of the green on the ground is wild garlic. It fills the air with its pungent scent once it matures, and sprouts lovely little white flowers. It can be used as a herb in meals, too.

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      1. Oh my goodness I had no idea. That is wild Stuart. How amazing I thought it was a type of moss. It is really beautiful. Great photograph. Sending love to you and Valerie. ❤️🤗🥰

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        1. Thanks, Joni. The moss is restricted to the stone wall, where it develops into quite a blanket.
          The pungent aroma of the wild garlic means very few of the forest animals eat it, so it is able to spread across those areas that are most suitable for it.

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                1. We love to watch the large birds of prey soar above us here in the forest, Joni. Valerie, in particular, has a real connection with them, imaging herself up there flying and hovering on the thermals. We see buzzards, goshawks and kestrels here, with a very occasional red kite.

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  1. Pingback: #PictureOfTheDay: 19/Dec/21 | In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life

    1. Taken in early spring, Lynette, on our way back from lunch at a local hostelry. This part of the forest is particularly ancient, and we’d had rain earlier, producing the wonderful spring freshness.

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