10 thoughts on “Today’s #Picture Inspiring Imagination: 22/August/21

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    1. We live in a throwaway society, Brenda, where many useful things are chucked out. But, as I replied to Lynette, this is probably the result of the fishing no longer being viable in the area, and there being no market for a used fishing vessel. And, coincidentally, if you move to the right hand column, you’ll find a picture of some strange shapes sticking out of the sand on a beach. They are the remnants of a boat that was wrecked there over a hundred years ago!

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    1. Almost certainly a financial decision, Lynette. It’s a ‘working’ boat, and the means to earn a living from it has disappeared in the area, so no market for second hand craft I suspect.

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    1. It’s near a place that was once a thriving oyster fishery, Noelle, so I expect it’s one of their boats that’s no longer viable. It looks to be in pretty good nick, though.

      Liked by 4 people

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