Today’s Pictures: 29 June 20

At the edge of the fishing lake.

Trying to brighten the day for those people isolated indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Evening light over Caerphilly Mountain. Taken January 2019

If you get pleasure from this, please share it, so others can enjoy it, too. Thank you.

21 thoughts on “Today’s Pictures: 29 June 20

    1. Thank you, ThatCozyChic. Had a look at your blog. Liked and tweeted one that made sense in regard to the prevaling attitude to women in certain parts of the world.


        1. If you’re able to share the post with others, Naina, it’ll spread the joy, which is what this series is all about. Also, some folk will read the comments and may well then visit the websites of those who’ve commented. Suddenly, we have an increase in the numbers of people reached!


          1. Oh my god!!
            You know what I have tried every possible way to grow my audience but I still end up getting 3-4 likes and I get demotivated , I feel my posts are not worth reading. And that’s the reason your appreciation made me feel my posts are actually good.

            Also, I have commented on many posts and asked them to visit my page too but they just like my comment and reply with a “THANK YOU”. Luckily I commented on your post and you appreciated my blog posts for which I am indebted. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Oh My God,
            You know what, I have tried every possible way to grow my audience but I end up getting 3-4 likes on each one of my blog posts and some of them end up getting 0 likes and it makes me feel that my blog posts are not worth reading. And so when you appreciated my posts I got so so happy and for that I am forever indebted to you

            Also ,I want to grow my audience so if you could suggest me some ways it’ll be helpful. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It takes time to garner a following, Naina. I’ve been blogging for about 15 years. I also have a Facebook Author page, a presence on Twitter (since 2009), I belong to LinkedIn, and I have an author page on Goodreads. I post links from my website posts to these sites and get some response. But I know others who gain lots of responses with very little effort. Actually, as a marketer/promoter, I’m pretty useless.
              On Twitter, the best way to gain followers is to follow like-minded people, and to RT and comment where you can. If you’re on Facebook, commenting also helps. Sometimes, if you have the time, it helps to belong to some ‘groups’ on sites like FB and Goodreads.
              As a teenager, it might be more productive for you to make your name known via Instagram (if you have a mobile phone), or YouTube, if you can produce videos (they don’t have to be wonderful).
              One thing I would suggest regarding your blog – if you can, use an image to head each post. People online respond much more to images than they do to words (and, as a writer, I say that reluctantly!). There are lots of sites that allow you to use images free of charge. If you ‘Google’ ‘Free images’ you’ll find a lot of these sites. Some of them require you to register with them, but they still offer free pics. Of course, as a photographer as well as a writer, I try to sell my pictures, but it’s a hard market to get established in.
              Good luck!


              1. Thank you for the valuable piece of advice!! I’ll keep this in mind whenever I feel demotivated and yes I totally agree to the point that people respond more to images than words.
                Thank you for being kind and patient and understanding my problem
                Good luck to you too!

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Thank you for the valuable piece of advice!! I’ll keep this in mind whenever I feel demotivated and yes I totally agree to the point that people respond more to images than words.
                Thank you for being kind and patient and understanding my problem.
                Good luck to you too!

                Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Today’s Pictures: 29 June 20 | In the Net! – Stories of Life and Narcissistic Survival

    1. Thanks, Lynette. The second one has some lovely memories for me, as it was taken during the last visit by my daughter and her fiance home. They’re now back in Australia and had to cancel their wedding here in UK in September due to the Covid 19 issue, so we’re not sure when we’ll see them again.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so sorry to hear that, Stuart. What a shame. Covid has been so awful, not just in how it has destroyed so many lives, but because all of the other problems it has caused, from large to small. Still, the environment is benefitting, so even covid has a silver lining.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great, D. It’s why I’m daily posting such pictures; to share some joy in nature for people stuck at home or in the cities and towns. The more people who see them, the more joy we spread, eh?

      Liked by 1 person

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