Daily Forest Walk Picture 1

For the last few days, I’ve posted, on Twitter, a single shot taken on my daily exercise walk in the Forest of Dean with my wife. My intention is to spread a little light and joy into the lives of all who are confined to their homes or other buildings because of the Covid19 crisis.

We’re fortunate in living in the forest; our entrance to it is just 150 yards from our front door, and we can reach it without coming into contact with anyone. Also, we tend to use the ways less trod, so we rarely meet other walkers. When we do, both we and the others take steps to make a wide berth from each other to avoid unnecessary contact.

It occurred to me that I can probably spread the pleasure to more people by placing these daily shots on my blog instead. And, perhaps, make the effort of including some words in the form of a poem, to enhance the experience.

So, today’s is the first such post. I’ll continue this each day, if at all possible, during the period of confinement.

It’ll help others to enjoy this bit of nature if readers here could spread the word by using the ‘share’ buttons below to inform their followers. Let’s all do what we can for each other during this testing and trying time, please. Thank you.

A Haiku:

Young beeches shine bright

Under dark boughs of old trees

And promise new life.

11 thoughts on “Daily Forest Walk Picture 1

  1. Lovely Stuart. How fortunate you are to have this so close to home. I’ve been grateful for my narrow country lanes to walk on as well. It’s certainly the bright spot of my day! Best wishes to you and yours!

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    1. Thanks, Meg. And the same to you. I feel it’s incumbant on us to share what small pleasures we may receive during these times that must be very difficult for many.

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        1. I’ll keep it going as long as I can, Meg. Today’s walk will be a bit shorter, as the combination of a long walk yesterday and some work in the garden has rather aggrivated the trapped nerve in my back!

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            1. I’ve been suffering with it for 15 months, Meg, but the cause was only identified at the end of February this year. I now have some different pain killers that are also supposed to help repair the damage to the nerve and its sheath. They seem to be making a difference now, and walking has been my only real relief throughout the entire time, so I’ll definitely be keeping it up!

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