At Last! Back on my Website!


My apologies to all who’ve been following my blog, or waiting for a new post, or an answer to a comment here. I’ve been unable to access my website for a few days. No idea what went wrong, but the various ‘help desks’ I approached were about as helpful as a naked walk through nettles.

I don’t kid myself that this is the end of the problem, but I can, at least, let you know I’m still here and still functioning.

So, the next task is to disengage from my previous hosting site, who proved absolutely useless in helping me resolve the issues, and a move to the site so I can continue to operate with some degree of certainty for the future.

Please be patient whilst I navigate uncertain waters. I will be back, perhaps with a new site name, perhaps with this one but under a different host.

See you soon!

7 thoughts on “At Last! Back on my Website!

  1. Hi Stuart,
    Awhile back, I switched to a self-hosted site and my blog became almost dysfunctional. I wasn’t tech savvy enough to handle the behind-the-scene captaining and the host company required a piece of connective software that was glitchy when linked with WordPress. I returned to WordPress with my ignorant tail between my legs.
    Good luck with your tech situation. I hope all will be seamlessly resolved soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to know I’m not alone in my experience, AnnMarie. I’m now with WordPress on their Premium service. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to continue without interruption for the future!


  2. Welcome Back Stuart. Hope all goes well in the future!?! but not holding my breath. ‘Help Desks & Customer Services’, 2 of the most Mis-Named functions of businesses! the words ‘Chocolate teapots’ also come to mind. I wonder why?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sadly true: help desks are frequently the least helpful of ‘services’ and often appear to be designed either to make the operators seem super-clever, or to ensure that normal people are never able to resolve technical issues without paying for help from an IT professional. Thanks for the welcome back and the wishes for a trouble-free future.


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